Casino in Italy
When most people think of Italy , they think of the food, the art museums, and ancient Roman culture . What most people do not know about Italy is that it is an ideal destination for those who want a little game are on their vacation . Although Italy has not many casinos which places they need to do is to visit for tourists something a little different from what they want to experience awaits you on a trip to Italy sentence .
Although there are only a handful of casinos in Italy , visiting one of them is well worth the trip. There are two distinct sides to play in Italy. It is very similar to the U.S. version , casual wear and many slot machines. On the other hand , many Italian casinos, which is the ” French Games ” section called . Even the most casual Italian casino, the Casino Municipale di Campione d’Italia Campione d ‘Italia , part of the casino has a dress code as well as an entrance fee ( about $ 12.50 ) . The other Italian casinos, including Casino de la Vallée de Saint- Vincent ( near Turin) , Casino Municipale di Sanremo in San Remo (near Nice, France ) and the Casino Municipale di Venezia in Venice, not the people in the street or casual clothes allow and invite all a kind of lobby. In fact , Italian casinos glamorous image embody European game made famous in the James Bond films .
All mentioned as a casino except Venice cities. Venice Casino is interesting because it is really a casino split into two parts, one which is in the summer and the other, which is open during the winter months open . Also a little different is that the Municipal Casino di Venezia also offers rummy tournaments and more games .
In addition to the dress and the entrance fee , there are other things to consider before planning a trip to a casino in Italian. The first thing is that all the casinos in Italy, the Italian language is spoken . If you plan to spend time in the casinos, you should at least learn Italian , some games and other games of chance vocabulary. In addition, the age of 18 playing in Italy , so that students and young people who are not allowed perhaps the United States , where the legal age is allowed to play 21 , then in Italy. In addition to games , Italian casinos offer live music and entertainment as well as restaurants and nightclubs. One thing that has not Italian but casinos are hotel rooms , so accommodation arrangements must be made separately.